
What are the elements to be taken into account before making a transaction?

When negotiating the acquisition or the sale of a business, there are many parameters to consider. Experience in managing these variables is essential for the success of a transaction.

Shareholders often think first and foremost about the valuation of their business and tend to be focused only on that specific parameter, but a transaction includes much more.

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • The payment structure of the transaction (percentage, deadlines, price complement)
  • The legal and tax conditions,
  • The representations and warranties requested to complete the deal (spectrum, conditions, ceilings)
  • The non-competition agreement,
  • What assets are part of the agreement,
  • The question of the seller’s role after the transaction (will he or she continue to receive a salary, what transition period?).
  • The fate of the employees, the company as a whole, etc.

CAP is specifically designed to assist you successfully throughout all these elements

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